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There are a few concerns to keep in mind:. This must be a computer running a Professional edition of Windows. The Home editions do not have the administrative shares enabled. Many (if not most) third-party firewalls will disable the administrative shares for security reasons. Make sure that a host firewall has not disabled them. If you have file sharing turned off, this won't work. In XP, make sure Advanced sharing is turned on, rather than Simple sharing.

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In 7, check your network settings to ensure that File and Printer Sharing is enabled. This is not the case for networks marked as Public. Make sure that you are typing the path directly - Windows shares with names ending in $ are invisible and will not be sent in listings of shares. Instead, you must specify the path directly: MachineNamec$.
I've never had any problems doing this in the past, but there are a few things you could check:. The workgroup often has to be the same on both machines for them to properly communicate. Are you using Windows XP Professional edition, or another? (Home, Media Center, Tablet). This feature is only activated on Professional Edition (see ) - mainly because it's aimed at enterprise users.
Try enabling advanced sharing mode in XP. This is via Windows Explorer - Tools Menu Folder Options - Advanced (disable simple file sharing)Hopefully some of that helps.
Im in glasgow. Seems i might have found the code. But dont have a manual for this system. Would someone be able to help me out in changing the code? I dont have the model number of the system but can take a picture of it and post that up if thats any helpthanks for the inputIt sounds like you have a ck700 or 800l alarm.
It should be a little keypad approx 4inch across and 2 down. With a flip down cover and the main box is about a foot squared. If this is the case normally the basic operations are shown on the flip down cover including how to change a code however here is how it should be done.This panel has 2 user codes but only one is commonly used.To change a user code simply enter the four digit user code, the buzzer willemit a steady sound and the exit time will start. Press the. key followed by the 9 key,followed by the key of the user to be altered for example if you were changing usercode 1 then you would press 1, the same applies for user code 2.
Once you havepressed a user key then the LEDs 1 2 3 and 4 will now come on to indicate a new 4digit code is required. Enter your new code. As you press each key one LED will goout. If your code is accepted you will hear an acceptance code.i hope this helps.