Mass Effect 2 Hair Mod
As you may have noticed there are some hairstyles that you can't select, like for example Kelly's. This is one of those hairstyles only used by a few Human Female NPC's. The few NPC's that have it include Jentha (appears in Garrus recruitment mission), a woman in Omega who tries to get into the Quarantine Zone and Nef (the murdered girl in Samara's loyalty mission)I'm gonna take the time to explain as detailed as I can how to get this into your save game, please don't ask me questions on how as the explanation should answer everything in DETAIL.1. You need to download Gib's save game editor, you can grab it here:2.
Load the save game you want from the menu. What you need to do now is to head into the tab called Toolbox and just export the head morph under any name. All that matters is that you save it somehow and then import it.3. Head over to the Raw tab in the editor.4.
Open up these tabs under '2. Squad': 'Player' - 'Appearance' - 'Morph Head'5.
Mass Effect 2 Hair Mods
In the parameter that says 'Hair Mesh' type or paste in this: 'BIOGHMFHIRPRO.Sexy.HMFHIRSxyMDL' without the quotation marks and press Enter6. Next you need to open the tab called 'Texture Parameters'7.
Here you will see quite a few numbers but we are only going to modify 4-7 since these affect the hair. You need to modify these if you want the hair to look proper (otherwise it will use another hairstyle's texture)8. In the respective parameters, type or paste in:HAIRDiff=BIOGHMFHIRPRO.Sexy.HMFHIRClsDiffHAIRNorm=BIOGHMFHIRPRO.Sexy.HMFHIRClsNormHAIRMask=BIOGHMFHIRPRO.Sexy.HMFHIRClsMaskHAIRTang=BIOGHMFHIRPRO.Sexy.HMFHIRClsTangYou paste in the 'HairDiff.' Into the 'HairDiff' parameter etc. Obviously you replace any other value that was there already.9. When you have edited everything you are done. Click on the floppy icon in the top left of the editor to save it.
Make a back up of your previous save file to be safe.10. EnjoyAs for the bonus outfit? It needs unlocking through editing the config files. I personally just downloaded someone else's config so I can't help you with the actual editing there.
You can download it rom here though:This config also removes the logo videos and saves you some time from having to watch them every time you start the game, otherwise it only unlocks the additonal costumes (only casual outfits).
Loving the hairs, using Vapor atm for my Paragon Shep:)Quick question; every hair I use affect Diana Allers hair as well, basically it looks like she has the hair without the textures. I don’t really care for her, but I was thinking of using this mod (?), and it says around the bottom of the description that it’s “not compatible with any mods that replace the Diana Allers hair in BIOGHMFHIRPRO.pcc.”, which I have done using your mods for Femshep. So I’m just wondering weather you can somehow work around this, maybe fix Diana’s hair somehow.
As I said though, I don’t really care for Diana I just thought this mod might make her more bearable lmaoo. If you don’t want to mess up Allers’ hair, you can manually install the hair into another hairstyle using the.upk file, but then the.tpf file won’t work – you’ll have to create your own via Texmod – this will require you to go into logging mode, find the hex code of the hairstyle you want to replace, then build a.tpf from that. Or, if you want to use that Modest Allers mod, you can install it first, then install the hair mod for Shepard. It will still mess up Allers hair, but she will be wearing the modest dress:). I was having the same problem. I know you asked this like a year ago but I found a solution. You have to alter the numbers in the RAW section of Gibbed.
Go to Raw Tab, click Player (on left side), Head Morph (on the right side) and change the Scalar Parameters (click on the button) of the Highlight1 and Highlight2 from whatever number they are to a higher number, like I went from 4 to 50. Then when you change the colour of Highlight 1 and highlight 2 in the Player Tab (click Player then the Appearance tab – you will see all the boxes of colour) they will be the colour you see on your Shepard. Hi, sorry to bother you, I absolutely love your work!
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Mass Effect 3 Hair Mods
However I have quite a problem with your mods, as my femshep’s face turns black whenever I put one of your hairstyles. Like, not just black skinned, just full-on black, it’s actually pretty scary! She’s got nice hair now, at least, I guess xDAny idea why?
I followed all your steps, and I run the game through TexMod, and honestly the hair looks great, but the hairmod looks like it affect the whole face, and maybe it’s because I didn’t download the face package? Do you have one that needs intalling?
I’m wondering if you could help me with a problem. I’m having this issue with both your hair mods and with others that I’ve tried.Below are a couple screenshots I’ve done trying to use this mod:Here is how it turns out for me:The same thing happens with any of your mods I’ve tried (I was attempting to use this one in the pictures because it mods Custom Cute instead of Allers hair and I didn’t want to mess up Allers. But Top Gorgeous is very similar in style and I’ve also tried a few others along these lines.)It looks like the textures aren’t applying? I’ve tried it using texmod, I’ve tried it using TPF tools, I’ve even tried it using the source upk/dds source files, all with the same result.Again this is happening with both your mods when I tried to use Allers hair in my savegame and with Kani’s hair mods.It’s happening in these screenshots (of the Citadel DLC obviously) but also in previous savegames that aren’t in DLCs.It hasn’t always been like this.
The first couple times I modded my Shep’s hair, it was perfect. I used your mod Synthesis for most of my playthrough until I decided Shep was under too much stress to look that put together and wanted to go with something more disheveled:) The only issue I was having with your mods was that they were making my hair very dark brown, even when I was trying for a lighter brown tone, until this started after the end of the game.Any idea why this is happening? Please also know that I’m not saying it’s a problem with YOUR mod. Clearly there is a problem with my game setup somehow (especially since I just discovered that your broshep hairs work just fine for me.) For some reason my game is not reading textures from ANY femshep hair mods, including yours. Mostly I was just posting here in the hopes that you know enough about the subject to help with a more generalized problem that impacts your mods, yes, but also others.But yeah. I’ve followed your instructions to the letter. I’ve followed the instructions for the other hair mods to the letter, too.
Including all necessary (and appropriate to the source) changes to the savegame file. I’ve gone through every possibility mentioned in your troubleshooting section. And as you can see by that thread on Nexus, I’ve been trying to think outside the box for troubleshooting, also. Which is how I came up with the idea to see if it affected male and female sheps alike. I think a lot of the problem with textures not applying these days is because of the fact that the modded textures being in DTX5 when the ProShort diff is in DTX1. Autofix on TPFTools isn’t reliable for solving that problem, which normally you would think, okay, fine, so let’s use Texmod. Except that wasn’t working either, for me.So I took matters into my own hands (with some help from me3deager and kinkojiro) and accomplished the following:1) I switched out the DTX1 ProShort diff for a DTX5 diff (the sexy one, which was right above it in PCC Editor 2.0.) That way, texplorer didn’t throw up any errors about trying to replace a DTX1 texture with DTX5.2) Just to make things REALLY SUPER DUPER plug-and-play (and give us the ability to essentially swap hair mods out at will) I packaged a number of them in DLCs.
Now all one has to do is edit the savegame once and after that just take one DLC out and put another in whenever we want to change hairs mid-game.3) (Fixing a personal pet peeve of mine) I reverse-engineered the method kinkojiro recommended to solve issue #1 and applied it to meshes to replace the CustomCute mesh with ProJessica. So now we can use these ProJessica hair mods in CustomCute instead without getting any errors about having the wrong number of bones. Which means we no longer have to worry about conflicts with mods that change Allers’ appearance nor do we have to deal with the annoyance of having her look like a weird mutant creature (or even just copying out hairstyle) when we visit the cargo hold.I don’t plan to upload these to Nexus or anything unless all the authors of the various mods I re-packaged as DLCs want me to. But if you would like to download them to test and distribute them yourself, by all means, please do (just maybe give me a nod when you do.) You can grab them here: (yours are the ones with GPG in the name, obviously.) I also included a document that is more an overview of what I did than an actual tutorial, because with my communication issues I don’t trust myself to write a tutorial that anyone else would find easy to follow.).