. Please replace the old information with up to date information. This may include rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise, and. Reason: Needs info on Daily Account, Daily Dungeon, Daily Heroic, Daily Raid, and Weekly quests.QuestsA quest is a task given to a that yields a when completed. Most quests are given by an (non-player character). However, some quests can come from right-clicking signs (usually the type), reading scrolls or documents, opening containers, using certain looted items (which will say 'Begins a quest' on the tooltip when moused over), or from completing a previous quest (chain quest).

Until you reach the maximum level, a quest will also reward you with (XP). After that, you will receive gold instead. Most quests will also reward you with from the same faction as the NPC quest giver.The has articles on many specific quests. This list may not be as comprehensive as database sites like, or, but the wiki quest articles have the advantage of being a summary of information on a quest, as opposed to a long list of sometimes conflicting or old comments added to the raw quest data.New quests can be added to WoWWiki by reading, using the to record the details and adding categories for the starting zone, obtainable at level (e.g. ) and other as appropriate.

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Then update the main zone quest guide page, and any pages for the quest giver or starting item.There are currently more than 9,500 quests in World of Warcraft. The initial design had only 100 quests, 100 quests and 100 quests planned for the whole game.For a complete list of quests available, see the page.Search for quests on WoWWiki(Add your search text after 'Quest:' in the search field). See also:Depending on your you will with some common quests and some /-specific quests with several low-level creatures around and a limited number of.

Many of the quests in World of Warcraft are single-step, but there will often be multiple followup quests that turn into a long quest series.Many NPCs can offer you more than one quest; when talking to them, you'll get a window giving you the option to select which quest you wish to talk to them about, using the same symbols as appear over their heads. To find out the quest or the status of an uncompleted quest, to the NPC with a quest status indicator. Occasionally as you adventure in Azeroth, you may encounter or items that will give out quests when activated (right-clicked).Try to get and finish all the quests in a given geographic locale before moving on to a higher-level area with new quests. The reason for this is that other quests may send you in different directions and into other map areas.

By the time you get back to the original quest track, the quests have gone gray. They can still be accomplished, but any items received will be below your current level, the XP will be much less helpful, and the cash, if any, will be small change compared to the amounts you are currently bringing in from looting and selling items. However, if it is a member of a long quest chain, it may be worth completing gray quests, because later ones may be for your level or even for above your level.Identifying quest giversQuest givers appear on the mini-mapQuest complete turn-in appears on the mini-map See also:Along with the expansion, NPCs who offer quests will have their names floating above their head ( green for quest givers of the same faction and yellow for quest givers who will give quests to either faction or are not yet.

If a quest offered is too low level to provide meaningful rewards or experience, the indicator (described below) will not appear (unless requested specifically), but the name will be colored.You can identify quest giving from indicators over their heads:. A gold exclamation point indicates an available quest. Since, the marker will also show up on the (see upper image to the right). A silver exclamation point indicates a quest that will be available when you gain a few levels.

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This is not on the minimap. A gold question mark indicates a completed quest (you have met its requirements). In the past, they would appear as a yellow dot on the minimap, but this was easily confused with other detectable things. Since Patch 2.3, the marker will also show up on the minimap (see lower image to the right). A silver question mark indicates an in-progress (un-completed) quest that you still have requirements to meet. A blue exclamation point or question mark indicates that that NPC has a available. These types of quests are usually meant as a means of gaining reputation with a certain faction, as a reward and xp is only given the first time the quest is completed.

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After that, xp gained is much lower and there is often no reward but a certain amount of reputation for the respected faction. An orange exclamation point or question mark indicates that that NPC has a available. These types of quests are usually for characters with better than average gear for eventual rewards.Also as of patch 2.3, you can identify quest givers by the pointer change when you move it over them:interact with quest giver.

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