Addresearch(addr) techname- Adds research at specified name. (any misspelling=crash)blockade - Blockade province.changeowner TAG province id - Change the current owner of province id to the TAG specified.conquerall country tag- Set all enemy provinces under our control.debug allmoney- Shows info for money transfers.debug alwaysaddwargoal- Removes limits for wargoal.debug alwaysdiplo- Makes diplomats endless.debug alwaysreform- Eliminates the 1 month wait between reforms. Need +50% of the upper-house favorable of reforms. Effect won't disappear till reset game, unknown if AI is effected.debug researchpoints number- rpoints numberdebug yesmen- The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players.election- Starts common elections right now.goods 'XXX'- Gives XXX goods to player plus the same amount of money (Warning: large amount of goods lead to economical problems.)inc- Short version of instantconstruction.

Doesn't affect the AI.inr- Short version of instantresearch. Doesn't affect the AI.leaderprestige(lprestige) province value- Adds prestige to leaders attached to units at specified location.Leadership 'XXX'- Gives XXX leadership points to the player.militancy level- Changes militancy level.

Victoria 2 research guide 2017

Reform EventsEvent 3000Health Care In favor of 30% Support in ProvenceEvent 3100Press RightsEvent 3200Forms a New Political PartyEvent 3300Pensions In favor of 20% Support in ProvenceEvent 3400Unemployment Subsidies In favor of 30% Support in ProvenceEvent 3401Extend Subsidies or No SubsidiesEvent 3402Lower Subsidies or Good SubsidiesEvent 340340% In favor of Acceptable Subsidies or In favor of 40% Acceptable Min. WageEvent 340420% In favor of Good SubsidiesEvent 350030% In favor of Trade UnionsEvent 3600Safety RegulationsEvent 370040% In favor of Lower Work Hour ReformEvent 3750Public MeetingsEvent 380040% In favor of Increases Wage ReformEvent 390040% In favor of Trade Unions ReformEvent 4000Slavery Abolishment Movement SupportEvent 410040% In favor of Upper HouseEvent 420010% In favor of New Voting System ReformEvent 430020% In favor of New Vote Franchise ReformEvent 12000Safety RegulationsEvent 12010Safety Regulation ReformEvent 60108Extend Slavery or Not to Extend Slavery. Election Campaign EventsEvent 14000Trade PolicyEvent 14010EconomyEvent 14020ReligionEvent 14030CitizenshipEvent 14040WarEvent 14050ProtectionismEvent 14060Protectionism vs. Free TradeEvent 14070Laissez FaireEvent 14080InterventionismEvent 14090State CapitalismEvent 14100Planned economyEvent 14110AtheismEvent 14120SecularizedEvent 14130PluralismEvent 14140MoralismEvent 14150ResidencyEvent 14160Limited CitizenshipEvent 14170Full CitizenshipEvent 14180JingoismEvent 14190Pro-MilitaryEvent 14200Anti-MilitaryEvent 14210Pacifism.


# Badboycountryevent = id = 80003istriggeredonly = yestitle = 'What is this. I don't even.'

Victoria 2 Research Guide 2017

Desc = 'Press the button below.' Picture = 'Smithsonian'option = name = 'Hooray!' Badboy = -50Save this under any name you want and place it in SteamLibrarySteamAppscommonVictoria 2modHPMevents. Call it with 'event 80003' when you need to and hey, presto, gone is your infamy.The genocide event will leave your affected provinces with a negative modifier for a few years, but after that you're good to go.Hope this helps! Genocide away.

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