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The Cold War in Europe spanned from 1947 into 1991 and the undisputed enemy to the democratic world was the nuclear-armed Soviet Union led by Joseph Stalin. After its strong showing against the German Army in World War 2 (1939-1945), the Soviet military comprised of thousands of proven battle tanks, self-propelled guns, artillery pieces, aircraft and constantly evolving air defense systems. In 1949, the defeated Germans had been divided into an eastern and western section, the east under the control of the communist Soviets. West German authorities and US forces knew the tank force just over the border could destroy them by simple conventional means through massed numbers. The United States maintained a full tank division along the border and this was further backed by three (known as 'Atomic Annie') that, if necessary, could be used to answer a large Soviet tank attack from the east. The major drawback of the Annie was in that it took a full day to position and set up for firing. As such, Annie positions could be overrun by a fast-moving enemy before her nuclear projectiles.

The Soviets were anything but blind to these weapons and kept a close watch on the Annies. At the time, the US Army's Main Battle Tank (MBT) was the and, for the Germans, the - both tanks had been developed to counter the Russian T54/55 series tanks that were now further strengthened by the arrival of the advanced T-62. Both Germany and the US continued to make upgrades to their Leopard 1 and M60 tanks but inevitably looked forward to an advanced generation of tank to defeat future Soviet tank designs already in development.In 1963, the US and Germany pioneered a joint venture project to develop a new Main Battle Tank - the German prototype being designated as the 'KPz-70' and the US version to be known as 'MBT-70' (for the purposes of this article, both will be collectively referred to as the MBT-70). The goal was to build a superior tank system making use of steel-layered tungsten alloy armor and an inner protective shell comprised of spaced layers of extra hard uniform rolled steel armor. Almost from the start the two design teams faced numerous disagreements as to the number of design features to incorporate. The language barrier was one obvious detrimental factor and the rivalry held between the two teams resulted in very little teamwork and major developmental cost overruns. Despite the same need for a combat tank, the requirements of each military differed based on battlefield theories and tactics.

Different engines and main guns were selected by both sides and even the use of metric (or 'SAE') measurements were argued about so both would, in fact, be used. Testing began in 1965 and the two teams developed fairly advanced features such as a new crouching hydro-pneumatic suspension system that allowed the tank driver to lower its silhouette to within 4 inches from the ground. This would have helped the system conceal itself amongst tall underbrush while making for a harder target to hit. The suspension could then be raised to allow for better off-road mobility and superb travel on paved roads. The turret would be large enough to house the three-man crew which, in itself, was a vast departure from conventional approaches that always stationed the driver in the lower front hull - apart from the gunnery crew. The American team chose a 152mm gun 'launcher' as main armament for their MBT-70 with an XM-150 auto loading cannon rated to fire AP/HE/WP rounds as well as the Shillelagh anti-tank missile - the latter being able to reach out and hit targets out to 3,000 meters. For infantry suppression, there was a 7.62 coaxial machine gun and to protect from low-flying aircraft, a 20mm remote-controlled anti-aircraft cannon would be made available, this installed along the side of the turret and hidden under two hatches.

Youtube. War Thunder Mbt 70 Vs M1a1

The Germans selected a relatively simpler approach with a 120mm automatic cannon as the primary armament.Apart from these innovations, the MBT-70 was otherwise a very conventional tank arrangement. Both design teams elected for a rear-mounted diesel-fueled engine for reliability, power and efficiency. Again, however, both teams elected engines from different manufacturers - the American engine selection became a Continental AVCR air-cooled V12 diesel system developing 1,470 horsepower while the German team decided on an MTU diesel engine producing 1,500 horsepower.

Both tanks could make headway at 43 miles per hour making the MBT-70 prototype the single most fastest MBT in the world at that time. Site content ©, All Rights Reserved.The 'Military Factory' name and logo are registered ® U.S. Trademarks protected by all applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws. All written content, illustrations, and photography are unique to this website (unless where indicated) and not for reuse/reproduction in any form.


Material presented throughout this website is for historical and entertainment value only and should not to be construed as usable for hardware restoration, maintenance, or general operation. We do not sell any of the items showcased on this site.

Bunny black 3 translation english. Hey everyone.Never really knew why I couldn't find the old cheat table for Bunny Black on the cheat engine forum but now it makes sense if they stopped allowing cheat tables there. I've tried changing it a bit but it's hard to tell if it'll do the trick since it works fine for me. When I click on the empty square to run the script, it just freeze CE for a moment (5 seconds or so) as it try to run the script and then fail to do anything. I've launched and closed the game several times for testing purpose and it found the address each times./QUOTESorry, it still doesn't work. The cross doesn't even appear in the square or anything.

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