Contoh Cerita Wayang Kancil
Mesothelioma CompensationSome people who develop mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure may be able to claim compensation. Your legal entitlements will depend on the state or territory in which you were exposed to asbestos. In some cases, the exposure may have occurred overseas.Mesothelioma takes a long time to develop, so your exposure to asbestos may have occurred some 40 years ago. You might think it was a trivial exposure, or you may not remember any exposure.
Talking to your friends and family can help to bring back memories of places where you may have been exposed to asbestos.An expert lawyer will also talk you through your life history and help you find out where the exposure took place. They will explain what compensation you may be able to claim and help make the process easy for you to understand.Generally, a person diagnosed with mesothelioma has two different types of legal entitlements:a claim through the court, known as a 'common law claim'a claim under a government compensation scheme, known as a 'statutory claim'.' When my husband was diagnosed with terminal mesothelioma, we were advised to apply for compensation. He reluctantly contacted lawyers, and they assured us we had a very strong case. My husband didn't survive to `win' his case but I did, with a lot of help, caring, understanding and good advice from our lawyers.' – SharonCommon law claimA common law claim is a claim process through a court. The claim is brought against the party or parties who caused a person to be exposed to asbestos.
These parties are known as the 'defendants'. A common law claim begins by filing a formal court document known as an 'originating process'. The originating process must be lodged within your lifetime to protect your entitlement to compensation. As long as you start a common law claim during your lifetime, your estate will still be able to continue with your claim if you die before the claim is finalised.You need to speak with a lawyer experienced in asbestos-related compensation claims as soon as possible after your diagnosis.
'Nyet.Nyet.,' undang Kancil marang Monyet.Monyet maringi Kancil, 'Ana apa Cil? Keo ngundang aku?,' takon Monyet.Kancil: 'Nyet. Aku wei setitik rotine, setitik baen aja akeh-akeh,' jaluke KancilMonyet: 'Iya. Aku kan apikan, kiye separoan karo aku,'Kancil: 'Suwun ya Nyet. Koe mancen apikan, nanging aku baen sing maro,' jaluke Kancil.Monyet aweh roti nggo diparo maring Kancil ora nduweni rasa curiga karo Kancil. Koe paro sing adil,' penjalukane Monyet karo aweh rotine marang kancil.Kancil maro rotine karo utek licike, siji gede siji cilik, nanging Monyet ora ngerti.
Cerita Kancil Yang Cerdik
Sawise diparo Kancil aweh bagean sing cilik maring Monyet, bagean sing gede dicekel dewek.' Nang ngapa ka gede gone ko?,' takon Monyet.Kancil: 'Mrene gawa mrene, tak gawe pada.,' banjur Kacil mangan setitik rotine sing gecel dewek, 'Iki wis pada,' Kancil aweh rotine meng Monyet.Monyet: 'urung Cil!! Kue esih gede gone aku,'.