RECOMMENDED:Changing screen resolution in Windows operating system has always been easy. On Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1, you just need to right-click on desktop and click Screen Resolution to view the current resolution and switch to a different resolution.On Windows 10, Microsoft has changed the procedure by moving screen resolution options to Settings app. To access it, right-click on desktop, click Display settings to open Display section on Settings app, on the right, and click the option labelled Advanced display settings to open screen resolution settings. Custom resolution in Windows 10Usually, when you install graphics driver or video driver, Windows displays all the supported resolutions under screen resolution settings. While it’s always a good idea to choose between one of the offered and supported resolution, at times, you might want to set custom display resolution on your Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 10 PC. Custom Resolution Utility for Windows 10Since Windows doesn’t permit you easily set custom display resolution, here is a tiny piece of software for the job.

How To Make Custom Resolution Windows 10 Amd

Custom Resolution Utility is a free software designed to set custom resolution on Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 with ease. The tool allows you define custom resolutions for both AMD/ATI and NVIDIA GPUs. I am brand new to Windows 10, despite its long-term availability. I am having a resolution issue.

How To Create Custom Resolution Amd

I see I am not, and I am disturbed when I see this problem dates back to the original Windows 10. The two resolution choices I have are both too large for my screen. It appears I have managed to add a custom resolution setting through the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel, against their recommendations – danger – danger. It is listed under the heading Custom Resolutions List; however, I do not see any opportunity to actually implement that custom setting.

I’ve seen the same complaint throughout the forums, with Microsoft saying they are aware of that problem and their engineers are working on a fix. But those comments are very dated, yet the problem persists. It’s nearly 2018. How many more years will it take? But, perhaps I have overlooked something. This may be a silly question but would a larger screen monitor solve the problem? I have a 15-inch (approx.) monitor at this time, and it has been well-used and is quite dated.

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How To Create Custom Resolution Amd

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I don’t want to spend money and without resolutions (pun intended) of this resolution problem.Also, would a larger monitor be a solution? This is a major dilemma for me and I need it solved. I look forward to a speedy reply. Thank you.DENISE TOPPING says.

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