How To Turn A Screenshot Into A Pdf
Author: JoelKristensonLastUpdated: 2015-03-27OverviewIf you don’t want to code acomplex email template in / for yournewsletter ( or hire a web developer) you can createyour newsletter in Microsoft Word( or a similar program) using some of their powerfulformatting tools, save it as a PDFdocument, and then hyperlink too it from your in TrailBlazer.This article walks throughthe steps to take your newsletter that’s first created in, and save it as aPDF file. After that it goes through the steps to take ascreenshot of the PDF newsletter( minimized), save the screen shot as an image file,and insert the screenshot image into an email template using the new CKeditor.
How To Turn A Screenshot Into A Pdf File
These steps basicallysummarize the prep work needed prior to uploading,inserting, and linking to the PDF document from your emailtemplate.The following instructionswalk through the final steps in the process.#2 - Upload yourScreenshot & PDF Document to your SystemGallery. For an in-depthwalk through on re-sizing & uploading images for users stillusing the old emailsystem take a look at.
(The process has changeddramatically for those users who’ve upgradefrom the old email editor to the new CKeditor.)Tip: You may chooseto upload the PDF ( and/or image) file to your owndomain with your hosting provider i.e. GoDaddy, Rackspace, WordPress,etc. This would allow you to store as large of a file as you’dlike and still hyperlink to it from with the Trail Blazer emailsystem without actually uploading it to ourserver.FollowApplication Menu System Manager System Gallery.