Hi, Xcom newbie here, I recently completed the base game for the first time and decided to have a go at the long war mod I've heard so much about. It was all going swimmingly up until the first time you meet the chryssalids, i.e. During the terror attack when you have to save as many civilians as possible. Every time I try, the damned 'lids just keep swarming over the civilians faster than I can kill them (the 'lids that is), creating more of the bastards as they go. I've tried several different tactical approaches, but all of them end in my entire team dying. I only have access to the starting weapons at the moment (so no lasers/plasma), but I have every variety of specialist. I'd rather not admit defeat here, as I need South Africa in the council and they leave when I lose.


Any tips from Xcom vets would be helpful. And shotguns. Lots and lots of shotguns.Rushing a couple of Assaults to LCPL rank to get Close Combat Specialist can make that first Terror Mission a lot easier. When you spot a pack they will likely run right into your guys and you get 2 free shots with CCS on top of possible shotgun overwatches.And if worst comes to worst and you can't kill all of them you can put all your soldiers behind your 2 Assaults and when the Chryssalids charge those extra free CCS shots might just save your butt. Naskah teater romeo dan juliet. Pick AP grenades and flashbangs. The flashbang is your panic button for if you can't kill all of the lids in one turn - they cripple the movement rate of the lids for a turn. The AP grenades are guaranteed high AoE damage when centered on the center Lid.


Chrysallids should never live past the first turn if you can help it, so listen for the packs and don't spread your team out when moving. You want them all ready to fire when the pack triggers, as they usually bunch up in a group together. LW terror missions by default go poorly.

Xcom Enemy Unknown Chryssalid

Xcom 2 Chryssalid Poison

You get a panic increase for just having one (maybe getting all 18 will prevent any? I don't think that's possible without some kind of gamebreaking bug though). Every civilian you save does reduce the amount of panic increase though.So far, a good mission is 9 civies, I managed 12 once by being a small map, triggering everyone quick, and liberal application of rockets, grenades, and people that can shoot twice per turn.First chryssalids, rockets, grenades, and shotguns (preferably at least the first free shot perk). My later game strategy is basically 2 rocketeers, 1-2 engineers with two slots of alien grenades, double tap gunners if you can, one infantry, and definitely an assault with Close Combat Specialist and Close and Personal for maximum shots per turn.

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