This is a question for the console (PS3) version of Skyrim. I've recently been trying to get my enchanting up. I only have 35 skill atm, and my enchants are relatively weak. I enchanted a weapon last night and then tried to overwrite the enchant with another but that weapon was not selectable.

Bibbia di gerusalemme download gratis. Even if I do not get a skill increase I want to be able to overwrite enchants, but I don't see a way of doing it. Anyone know how to do this? I don't want to end up with some low-level enchant on my awesome two-hand that took forever to make, so I'm hoping this is possible.Posts: 3501 Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:31 am. You can not re-enchant or add to an item with enchantments already on it.

You can disenchant it to learn the enchantment and then put that new enchantment on any other unenchanted weapons. Use the arcane enchanter for that.Wrong. There is a high level perk that allows you to add another enchantment IIRC.Edit: Ahh. You have to put both enchantments on the item at the same time apparently.

How to enchant items using console skyrim

You would have to destroy the existing weapon and make a new one. Rememeber that the higher level soul gem you use means the better the enchantments. Ie if you use a Black Soul Gem you will get maximum value. I'm keeping my BSGs for when I get my dragon or daedric armour.Posts: 3430 Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:31 pm. Ok, I'm not even sure I can disenchant an item I enchanted, (doing this for memory) but I recall getting a message saying something like 'you already know the enchantment'.Anyways this kinda svcks as I wanted to put a better version of an enchantment on a weapon I was planning on keeping for a while.

How To Add Enchantments To Items In Skyrim Console

I'll probably just have to remake the weapon once I have my enchanting up to snuff.Actually let me reply to myself and say that weapon was also a quest item, so maybe that is why I was unable to disenchant it.Posts: 3321 Joined: Thu May 03, 2007 7:35 am. Once an item is enchanted by you, you are stuck with it. Using it or selling it are your only options.You cannot re-enchant it, because you can't overwrite enchantments.You can't disenchant it, because you can only do that to items that you don't already know how to do the enchantment.So, if you find an item in the world, you might be able to disenchant it to learn the enchantment, but doing so destroys the item.Thanks for the help, I was afraid of thatPosts: 3439 Joined: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:50 pm.

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